About Gamb!Art

Gamb!Art will strife to obtain a spot in the tourist area of The Gambia that can be turned into a hotspot of creativity. A place where we can see the beautiful, innovative, modern Africa Design that is now being made far from tourists and potential buyers.

Gamb!Art want to give the talented designers a place to create, work, expose and sell.

We will build a structure out of old sea containers that will be surrounded by beautiful nature to give the artist a perfect surrounding to be on there best. It will stand out to draw in people from all over the world that visit The Gambia every year.

If you are interested in any way or think u can help us with our mission please don’t hesitate to drop a message.

Also we can use the materials to create art. We will send them in the container that will also serve as our first work space. (building plans will be coming) This is an exciting project and we have all the energy to make it a success, but we do need support.

Thank you

About the people behind Gamb!Art

Jeremy Hamers:

In the years between then and now I have been here many times to do research and to expand my network. I also came across a young fashion designer Medoune, who’s amazing work I saw on Facebook. We had a meeting and from there I started to manage his brand in Europe to see what we can do together. This is still going very well, because people love the mix, Afropean, designs. Trough him I also got to meet many preforming artists like and heard their stories on their struggles.

The idea of a creative hub was in my head for a long time, but after talking to them it gave me more reason to start this up. For last 1,5 years am trying to find more artist like painters, sculptors or the more modern arts like computer generated visual arts. And I found them, there is hidden talent in this country that, with the right stimulants, could be the next big thing. Now the time seems right to get these talented people out of the dark and bring them somewhere where they can flourish.

My plan will do just that. But besides that, we give them an opportunity to expose and sell their products to the rest of the world through the tourist that come here in many numbers and the internet. The place as I imagen will be a buzzing hotspot of creative minds who can be working and exposing their ideas to the public that is welcome to see the place by visiting the (work)shops and bar.